Pelta Games Brings Something New to Tabletop Games with PeltaPeeps
We are excited to announce our 1st tabletop game- PeltaPeeps launched and now for sale on Pelta Games/shop with a 25% discount. Please use LAUNCHPROMO coupon in your cart.
Loosely based on gender and neural networks, PeltaPeeps combines making and breaking connections and shifting strategy to go eye to eye with other player peeps. Designed for 2 – 6 players, it appeals to all ages. Only a few rules make play easy with endless room for surprising ways to win.
Each turn, players connect another of their playing pieces to the growing board made up of PeltaPeeps. Other players can change your plans and you can make them lose valuable connections by flipping and moving their pieces. The player with the most points is crowned Supreme Peepbah, Royal Peltarc of Peltandia.
Check out this article by Tony Simmons of the New Herald to find out more about what they are up to.