PeltaPeeps Game

PeltaPeeps SuperSet Game
PeltaPeeps SuperSet FULL Game

Stick with your PeltaPeeps thru thick and thin and be crowned the winner!

Loosely based on gender and neural networks, PeltaPeeps combines making and breaking connections and shifting strategy to go eye to eye with other player peeps. The player with the most points is crowned Supreme Peepbah, Royal Peltarc of Peltandia!

2 – 6 players for all ages – only a few rules make play easy with endless room for surprising ways to win! 

Each turn, you connect another of your playing pieces to the growing board made up of PeltaPeeps. But watch out! Other players can change your plans and you can change theirs.

So keep an eye on your fellow peeps or try to make deals – it’s all up to you in a race to be crowned Royal Peltarc!

Playing PeltaPeeps helps develop cognitive and STEM skills such as-

  • Counting & Math
  • Logical & Critical Decision Making
  • Pattern/Color Matching
  • Strategy & Tactics
  • Visuospatial Skills
  • Cooperative & Team Play
  • Hand/Resource Management

For a quick look at the game watch this video: 

Basic Game Play

Object: Make the most points connecting pieces to win.

Game Pieces: (Core game- 8 per player [below], Full game- 16 per player):

core setThere are 3 different types of playing pieces in the FULL & CORE versions-peep-counter-types1. PeltaDragon Eggs (PeltaEggs have scales),
2. Sleeping PeltaPeeps
3. Awake PeltaPeeps (have eyes)

Game Start & End:
2 or 4 and up to 6 players choose a color and pick starting player. 1st player places a piece in the middle of play area. Game ends when a player plays their last piece or can’t place a new piece in play because there’s no place it fits.

Play continues with each player to the left of last player in rounds. In a turn player –
1. Must place a piece by fitting it into any piece or pieces in the play area.
2. May choose to move or flip any other player’s piece already in play.

All scoring is done at end of game and is based on number and types of connections to other pieces as well as type and position of pieces.

Playing Time can be 10 to 20 mins for a 2 player Game or as much as 90 mins or more for a 6 player SuperSet FULL Game.

You can play a demo version online for free at Tabletopia– but a word of warning:
if you find it slow and cumbersome online- it is. The real game definitely is NOT.

2.Select this reward

3 Game Versions & 2 Expansions –

Check for discount coupons on the Shop page before ordering

1. PeltaPeeps For TWO Game: 2 player ONLY 

PeltaPeeps for TWO Game

Get the 2 Player For-2 Game: 32 pc. Box contains rules, score sheet, and 2 sets each of 8 round and 8 Bones & Arrows laser cut playing pieces.

2. PeltaPeeps CORE Game: 4 player 

Core - Palette 1
Core – Palette 1

Get the 4 Player Core Game: 32 pc. Box contains rules, score sheet and 4 sets of 8 laser cut playing pieces

3.Select this reward

3. PeltaPeeps FULL Game: 4 player 

FullGame All Pieces
PeltaPeeps FULL Game

Get the 4 Player Full Game: 64 pc. Box contains rules, score sheet and 4 sets of 16 laser cut playing pieces

4.Select this reward

PeltaPeeps Expansions to 6 Player: 
Expand your 4 Player to a 6 Player CORE Game (48 pc.) or SuperSet FULL Game (96 pc.) by adding 2 new color team sets. Package contains 2 new sets of laser cut playing pieces (Core- 16 pc. or Full- 32 pc.).

But Who Are PeltaPeeps?

A simple, yet deep game- PeltaPeeps has a rich story that’s expressed in each piece as well as how it plays. It really starts long before the game appeared. But that’s another story.

So this is the 1st game from our Magic Game Table and the story of the PeltaPeeps appeared at the same time. It was found on the table along with the game design early Thanksgiving morning, 2016. All we can reveal from the story right now is this-

…PeltaPeeps keep much of their ancient Peltan qualities, but in peculiar, concentrated ways. Like their habit of falling in love at eye contact. They’re pretty competitive and smart… often act odd and do… funny things. They love a good laugh even though, like everything else-  they can only do it with their eyes.

…so there’re far fewer PeltaPeeps that are wide awake and on the loose. …having adventures… happily looking for a new home where all their sleeping friends can wake… (to) build New Peltandia and live there for evermore.

In the notes the magic table left, it says, …this game will help searchers on behalf of the original Peltragons, find the home they seek.

Of course, all this is pretty hard to believe. But what do you expect from a magic table?

To find out more try PeltaPeeps History-

Reviews / Press

People are playing and talking about PeltaPeeps- find out what’s the Buzz go- HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why aren’t the games cheaper?

We are a small indie company that’s a family affair (2 generations). Our games are designed and made to order by us in Panama City, Florida. We don’t use offshoring because of the exploitation that’s sometimes involved as well as associated wasteful transportation impact on the environment. 

When we’re in control of how our games are made, we do our best to make that process as environmentally friendly as possible. The pieces of our 1st game are UV printed, laser cut acrylic. This means very low power consumption and VOC free inks. And this results in a durable game that’ll last a very long time vs. most other materials. Our games are made to be enjoyed for years – even generations to come.

What’s with 3 game versions, especially when this is your 1st one?

We’ve been successfully playtesting a lite version of the game for some time. It’s just as much fun, faster, and provides a lower cost entry point for owning the game. It’s called the PeltaPeeps Core game. And the version just for 2 players has special pieces designed to make the 2 player experience as much fun as the regular game, but in a different way.

So there’re 3 versions of the game- the for 2 players only, the lite “Core” version, and the Full game. The Core version is exactly like the Full game except there are 8 playing pieces per player color (team). Full game has 16 playing pieces per player color (team).

Can you place a counter face down to start with? 

Yes. There’s been some confusion about this because the rules state you must play a piece each turn and it has to connect to at least one other already in play. They do NOT say you have to place your piece face up or face down.

We believe that game rules should be as short and as simple as possible. They should support a strong game mechanic that delivers a level playing field. Rules should not restrict inventive ways to play within them. If it isn’t in our rules, it’s fair game for novel ways to play.

Can you flip another’s face down piece already in play back up?  

Why not? In the rules, it states, “Players cannot move or flip one of their own pieces, ever”. But it says nothing about other player’s pieces. Go for it! You can be nice and flip another’s face down piece back face-up so they may help you with your face down pieces. 

The rules on Tabletopia state there’s 1 Bonus point for every same team Join, but the game review counts them twice- 1 for each piece connected. Which is it?

It’s only 1 Bonus point per team (color) connection to their own color. Not an extra point for each piece sharing the connection. Example: If 3 same color playing pieces are connected together in a row at the end of the game. Total same team connections would be 2 and that player would get 2 Bonus points- not 4 (the result if counting each piece).

Created & Made by Pelta Games
Rocket City, USA